Version 2.5 (March 29, 2015) New: support for reading/writing star ratings in FLAC and Ogg Vorbis files. New: support for reading/writing star ratings in MPEG-4 files (Windows Media Player 11 only). This is compatible with the native MPEG-4 star rating support in Windows Media Player 12. New: when adding new extensions in WMP Tag Plus settings, the user is now asked to restart Windows Media Player for the changes to take effect. After the restart, WMP Tag Plus will scan all library locations again, so that existing files with the new extensions get added to the media library. New: the aforementioned scan of all library locations is also performed when WMP Tag Plus has just been installed, and has also been added to the existing Refresh song tags scan. Fixed: broken plug-in functionality on Windows 8.1 after installation of several Windows Updates. Special thanks to rv2798 and dynaxer for reporting. Fixed: with WMP Tag Plus disabled, the usual warning at Windows Media Player startup didn't appear if the Comodo Firewall software was installed. To prevent possible loss of all tags in a music file (as caused by an overzealous Windows Media Player, especially on Windows 8), WMP Tag Plus now ignores all tag delete requests for files whose duration isn't known yet in the library. Such files can be 'fixed' by using Refresh song tags in settings, after which all tag writes are allowed again. Version 2.2 (November 29, 2013) Fixed: when trying to access the WMP Tag Plus settings while the plug-in was disabled, either the settings didn't appear or Windows Media Player crashed. Fixed: possible broken Apple Lossless support on Windows 8. Special thanks to Ralph Knox for reporting. Fixed: WMP Tag Plus didn't retrieve the duration of MPEG-4 files not containing any tags. Fixed: "Failed to set data for 'PerceivedType'" error on Windows Media Player startup in some circumstances. When installing WMP Tag Plus on Windows 7 or 8 with Windows Media Player Plus! already installed, MPEG-4 tag support was still disabled by default to prevent compatibility issues present in older versions of WMP Tag Plus. Because these issues have already been fixed in WMP Tag Plus 2.0, MPEG-4 tag support is now always enabled by default. Updated the included TagLib library to version 1.8. This, for one, means that WMP Tag Plus can now also read the audio properties (duration, bitrate etc.) of Musepack SV8 files. Version 2.1 (June 2, 2012) Fixed: crash when closing Windows Media Player after it had been opened by double-clicking a video file in Windows 7's Video library. Special thanks to Lieuandy for reporting and for testing the fix. Version 2.0 (May 13, 2012) New: support for reading/writing embedded album art in FLAC, Vorbis and MPEG-4 files. New: library album art support for all formats. This also fixes the "Album art can't be changed when a song from the album is in use" error message when pasting album art in Windows Media Player 12's library. New: Monkey's Audio (.ape) and Musepack (.mpc) tag support. New: Apple Lossless (ALAC) support for Windows Media Player 12, allowing Apple Lossless .m4a files to be added to the Music section of the media library. Before this, Apple Lossless files were always added to Other media by Windows Media Player 12. Special thanks to John Lockwood for testing. (Note: Apple Lossless is still supported on older Windows Media Player versions too.) New: Refresh song tags function. WMP Tag Plus can scan the library for untagged songs of the newly supported formats and re-add these songs to the library to refresh their tags, freeing the user from having to do this manually. This scan can be initiated from settings, but will also run once after a clean install of the plug-in. If the WMP Tag Plus plug-in is disabled, it will now show a warning at Windows Media Player startup, to prevent untagged songs in the library and tag changes not getting saved to file. This warning can be turned off again easily. MPEG-4 tag support now reads/writes the Publisher, Data provider and Date created tags as well. This is done using the same format as the native MPEG-4 tag support in Windows 7 and later. Special thanks to ErikSka for reverse engineering this format and for providing the necessary code. Fixed: when a song was started on Windows Media Player 12 before WMP Tag Plus had loaded, the tag support for that song's format was not functional until after a Windows Media Player restart. Fixed: on Windows Media Player 12, it was possible that changes in file extension and tag format settings only took effect after restarting Windows Media Player. Fixed: changes in the plug-in's settings possibly didn't get saved when the user hadn't switched to the Formats tab. Fixed: MPEG-4 tag support wasn't compatible with filenames containing Unicode characters. Fixed: the Beats per minute (BPM) tag didn't get read or written. Fixed: WMP Tag Plus always tried to show its settings window on the first Windows Media Player run after install, even when Windows Media Player was running invisibly in the background (such as is the case with Windows Media Center). This also caused 'unauthorized window' errors in the event log while using a Windows Media Center Extender. Special thanks to schottjy for reporting and for testing the fix. Preliminary support for Windows Media Player 12 on Windows 8. Updated the included TagLib library to version 1.7. Updated the included MP4v2 library to revision 483. Version 1.2 (February 12, 2010) Fixed: possible crash while accessing the file properties of a media file from within Windows Media Player 11. Version 1.1 (November 7, 2009) Fixed: WMP Tag Plus failed to correctly write tag changes to certain FLAC files. Updated the included TagLib to version 1.6.1, which fixes some other small bugs. Version 1.0 (October 22, 2009) First public release.