Usage: iTunesEncode.exe [options] -i [-o ] Tagging Options: -a Adds an artist tag to the file -l Adds an album tag to the file -t Adds a song title tag to the file -g <Genre> Adds a genre tag to the file -y <Year> Adds a year tag to the file -n <TrackNum> Adds a track number tag to the file -m <TrackCount> Adds a track count tag to the file -b <BPM> Adds a BPM tag to the file -c <Comment> Adds a comment tag to the file -u <Grouping> Adds a grouping tag to the file -x <Compilation> Adds a compilation tag to the file -p <Composer> Adds a composer tag to the file -j <DiscNumber> Adds a disc number tag to the file -k <DiscCount> Adds a disc count tag to the file -r <filename> Adds artwork to the file Tag option notes: -Options y,n,m,b,e,f should be numeric. -Option x is a boolean and can be 1,true,yes,T,Y,on,enable... Non-tagging options: -i <filename> Specifies the input file. The input file can be of any format iTunes can read. (WAV, AIFF, M4A, MP3, WMA) -o <filename> Specifies an output file. The resulting encoded file will be copied here after encoding and tagging are complete. -s <delay> Delay to use in milliseconds (default: 4000). Increase this if you experience problems using iTunesEncode on long batch encodes. -e EncoderName Lets you specify the encoder iTunes will use. Choose from "AAC Encoder", "WAV Encoder", "MP3 Encoder", "AIFF Encoder", or "Lossless Encoder". (Default is "AAC Encoder".) -d This switch will make the program delete the song from the iTunes library once encoding and copying are complete. Non-tag option notes: -If you don't have an output specified, then the output won't be copied anywhere, and so using -d would be a bad idea. -If the output file exists, it will be overwritten.